Meet the Governors
If you would like to contact the governing body, please address correspondence to:
Chair of Governors, Scarcliffe Primary School, Fox Hill, Scarcliffe, Bolsover, Chesterfield, S44 6TH.
Any correspondence will be passed on to Chris Mellard-Sibley confidentially.
Alternatively, contact Chris Mellard-Sibley via email:
Chris Mellard-Sibley
Chair of Governors and Parent Governor
Chris was elected as a parent governor (via a parent / carer vote) on 15th October 2021 for a 4-year term and appointed Chair of Governors on 14th February 2022. Chris was re-elected as Chair in Sept 2024.
This year, Chris is a link governor responsible for finance and premises.
Chris has no pecuniary or business interests - updated Sept 2024.
Heidi Watkinson
Parent Governor
Heidi was elected as a parent governor - following a parent/carer vote - on 15th October 2021 for a 4 year term.
This year, Heidi was elected as vice chair in Sept 2024.
Heidi is a registered childminder and works for DCC adult education. She has no other pecuniary or business interests (updated Sept 2024).
Emma Yapp
Vice-Chair of Governors and Co-opted Governor
Emma was appointed by the local academy board as a Co-opted Governor on 23rd February 2021 for a 4-year term.
Emma works at Esteem North Academy and has no other pecuniary or business interests - updated Sept 2024.
Hannah Brocklesby
Staff Governor (Headteacher)
Hannah joined the Governing body on 6th January and has no pecuniary interests - updated Jan 2025.
She was appointed to the governors by the governing body on her appointment as co-headteacher.
Georgia Sidwell
Staff Governor
Georgia joined the Governing body on 14th February 2022 for a four-year term. Georgia was elected by staff in school via a vote.
This year, Georgia is a link governor responsible for health and safety.
Georgia has disclosed one pecuniary or business interest. She has a family member who owns ADS Paving and Groundworks who might be asked to quote for works in school - updated Sept 2024.
Nicki Senior
Co-opted Governor
Nicki was appointed by the local academy board as a co-opted governor on 11th November 2019 for a 4 year term. She has been co-opted for a second term from 11th November 2023 for three years.
This year, Nicki is a link governor responsible for SEND and equality.
Nicki works for Louise Jones (MP) and has no other pecuniary or business interests - updated Sept 2024.
Michelle Reid
Community Governor
Michelle was approved as a Local Authority governor and appointed to the Governing Body on 24th May 2022. Michelle converted to a community governor on 1st April 2023 when we joined Redhill Academy Trust. Michelle was elected for a four-year term by the local academy board.
This year, Michelle is the link governor responsible for safeguarding.
Michelle works as an Educational Editor at RM Resources and has no other pecuniary or business interests (updated Sept 2024).
Michelle is also vice chair of governors at South Normanton Nursery School.
Stephanie Rich
Clerk to Governor
Stephanie has no business or pecuniary interests - updated Sept 2024.
As clerk to governors, Steph does not have voting rights and is not an appointed governor.