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Our Topic Approach

As we have mixed-age classes, we plan our topics over a two-year-cycle.  Some topic titles are revisited several times during a pupil's time at school - for example, Know your Place is covered in each class to develop the children's growing knowledge of the world around them.  Planning topics in this way enables us to build on children's prior knowledge and helps them to make connections in their learning. 

For example, during the Know your Place topic, each class has the focus below:

- Class 1 learn about Scarcliffe.  They produce sketch maps and look at the facilities in the local area. 

- Class 2 build on this by studying Bolsover.  They visit Bolsover and draw and use simple OS maps.  They create surveys to ask local residents. 

- Class 3 go further afield and learn about Chesterfield.  They learn about the physical and human features of the town and have a focus on historical elements. 

- Class 4 do a local history study about Derbyshire.  They focus on the mining industry and how this has impacted on the local communities.  Children compare detailed OS maps from now and in the past to explore how land-use has changed. 

Other topics stand alone.  This enables class teachers to ensure they cover all elements of the curriculum intent documents for every subject. 

Our Topic Titles

Click on the link below to see the topic titles for each class. 

SPS Topic Titles Overview (PDF)  

Want to know more?

Visit our class pages to find out more information about what is covered in each topic.  

Click here to visit Class Pages