I am pleased to welcome you to Scarcliffe Primary school.
As a governing body we are part of the school and local community and are committed to working with Mr Marsh and his team, the children and parents/carers to ensure that we encourage our pupils to believe in themselves and ‘Strive to Shine’ in all areas of life. Our key roles in school are to:
Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Hold leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
Oversee the financial performance of the organisation and make sure its money is well spent
Most importantly, at the ‘start and the heart’ of everything that we do at Scarcliffe Primary School are our children and despite the unique and unforeseen challenges that the past two years have presented, it delights me to say that the staff and children have risen to the task splendidly, continuing to deliver a continuity and standard of education that we can all be proud of.
If you are considering Scarcliffe Primary School for your child’s education I would encourage you to contact our Co-headteachers, Mrs Brocklesby and Mr Horton, to arrange a visit. This will give you the opportunity to see our staff and pupils in a happy and safe learning environment, enjoying a child-centred education which encourages every individual to strive to be the very best that they can be.
If you see any of the governing body at a school event, please come and have a chat, alternatively I can be contacted via
Chris Mellard-Sibley
Chair of Governors