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School Council

Welcome to our School Council Page

At Scarcliffe Primary School, we value the views of our pupils.  One way in which we gather their views and ideas is by having a school council. 

The Democratic Vote

In order to choose our School Council President and Vice President, we held and election in school.  All candidates had a week to put a campaign together and delivered speeches to the rest of the children in a special assembly.  

After counting the votes, we found out that Isabelle and Madison were chosen for the roles.  

Following the vote, it was time to advertise for the roles we needed to fill.  Isabelle and Madison then interviewed the candidates based on their application forms and appointed the new school council.

Below is a short introduction from each of the School Council teams.  They have set out what they want to achieve by the end of the year. 

President and Vice President

President and Vice President - Isabelle and Madison

As President and Vice President of the school council, it is our job to deliver all the things we promised in our speeches in the summer.  We are also there to support everyone else in the school council if they need help.  We are going to keep doing Dress Down Fridays and also have the idea of organising raffles, arranging litter picks and putting school council ideas boxes in every classroom.  We can’t wait to make the school even better!

The Rewards Councillors

Rewards Council – Franky W and Sophie

We have the amazing job of sorting out all the rewards and treats this year.  We have decided to hold all the Superstar Student treats at the end of the year.  Not only will this give us something to look forward to, but also means children don’t miss too much time out of class by attending termly treats. We have planned some new treats for children to choose from this time – including, make your own hot chocolate, decorate a cupcake and even plan to open Scarbucks Café.  We heard you loved the games van last year so plan on booking this again! 

The Fundraising Councillors

Fundraising Council – Olivia and Lacey

We want to raise lots of money for school this year and will also be working on raising money for charity.  We are hoping to plan a bake sale this year for people to enjoy some delicious food!  We have already got the tuck shop back up and running and this is going well.  We will help by organising Children in Need day and by selling poppies.

The iVengers (Online Safety Councillors)

iVengers – Rosie and Martha

We are carrying on the work of the previous iVengers and plan to make sure everyone uses technology properly in and out of school.  We hope to plan and carry out an assembly, explain all about online safety and do a simple version for class 1 to understand.  We also plan to talk to the new reception parents in the Summer Term so they can see how important online safety is to us.  We might even make a leaflet for parents!

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors – Willow, Huey, Toby and Minty

We want to make sure Scarcliffe Primary is a bullying free zone!  We have split the responsibilities between the four of us.  Two of us will monitor the worry boxes in Lower School and the other two will sort out children in upper school.  We hope to arrange an antibullying day and carry out a survey to find out what children think about bullying at school.  We will be reminding people throughout the year about the worry boxes.

The Sports Councillors

Sports Council – Deignton and Alfie

We are so pleased to have been chosen as the sports council this year.  Our job is to make children as active as possible.  We will do this by making sure we have really good activities at break and lunchtimes (organised by the play leaders).  This year we hope to organise new activities, events and a new set of great play leaders! 

The Eco Councillors

Eco Council – Felicity and Lola B (Managers) and Grace, Lola B and Emmy (Crew)

We hope to further build on the work of the Eco council last year by holding an Eco day where every class focuses on an aspect of going green.  We also plan to plant some wild flowers with our gardeners.  We also have the idea of producing poems and posters about electricity and washing hands.  This year we have decided not to have the weekly Class of the Week Eco award and will spend our time doing other things instead.  

School Charity:

Every year we set ourselves the target to raise money for our school and other charities.  In recent years, we managed to raise a staggering £1214.69 for Ashgate Hospice and over £1000 for Macmillan Cancer Support!  Well done to the children who organised the events and the school community for their support.  

Children in Need:

We recently took part in Children in Need day.  The fundraising council had the job of making the day fun and memorable while raising money for charity.  Each class decided on their own themes for a dress-up day.  They also chose an activity to raise more money.  This year, most classes opted for bringing a teddy to school.  The staff were very thankful, as the year before, the children chose to hold a 'pie the teacher' contest!  

Progress made this year:

The school council met with the old school council, so they could share where they are up to with certain projects and to share some top tips.