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Online Safety - iVengers


IVengers Assemble!

This year, we are (once again) taking part in an exciting project in which two more of our pupils have become iVengers.  Throughout the year they will be carrying out a number of tasks and secret missions to help children, parents, staff and governors to gain a better understanding about how to stay safe online. 

This is a very exciting role, and we will be updating this website to share our progress.  Be sure to keep checking this page to find out what we have been up to. 

Learning about Online Safety is absolutely crucial!  We recommend a wonderful website called, Internet Matters which is jam-packed with helpful videos, tips and advice aimed at children and parents.  Why not check it out by clicking here?

Information for Parents and Carers

Gaming - Top Tips

The team at iVengers HQ have put together a short (under 3 minute) video about gaming.  It is aimed at parents and carers and shares some top tips. 

Please click on the link below to view the video. 

Gaming Tips Video

The Police and Crime Commissioner

It was a pleasure for the iVengers to welcome the Police and Crime Commissioner to our school recently in order to explain what we are doing to keep children safe in school. 

Here is what she said about the meeting along with two pictures. 

“Visiting Scarcliffe Primary School in Bolsover I met the young safety Tsars who are helping to keep their friends safe online.

The I-Venger Digital Leaders Online Safer Programme, which I co-fund with Derbyshire County Council, recruits pupils to become ‘I-Vengers’ delivering online safety messages to their fellow students, teachers and parents.

A very impressive project.”

Angelique Foster

Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Meet the iVengers

We are the brand new iVengers - Rosie and Martha.  We are looking forward to our new roles and have six exciting missions to complete over the year!  Keep an eye on this webpage to see our progress!   

Our Missions 2024 to 25

We are looking forward to carrying out some missions this year to spread the word about the importance of online safety.  

MISSION 1 - Introducing Ourselves to School  - MISSION COMPLETE! 

We had a school council assembly at the start of the year and had to stand up and explain our roles, who we are and what we hoped to achieve this year.  We want to do an assembly about online safety as well as completing some iVenger missions. 

MISSION 2 - Truth Seekers (iVengers - Task 2)

In this task, we will explore the difference between misinformation and disinformation.  We will hold an assembly and will provide lots of information for children to decide whether it is true or not. 

MISSION 3 - The BIG Survey

We will put together an online safety survey for children.  We will ask them to complete it online and will then look at the results.  Using the results, we will plan some work to do in class to help.  We will also communicate information to parents and carers so they can help at home too. 

MISSION 4 - Survey Actions

Depending on what we found out in Mission 4, we will plan workshops in classes to help develop children's understanding of online safety. 

MISSION 5 - Recruiting NEW iVengers

We will advertise for NEW iVengers for 2025-26.  We will ask people to complete application forms and will interview them,  before choosing the best two candidates who will become the NEW iVENGERS!!!

MISSION 6 - Meeting new parents with Reception children to explain the importance of keeping children safe online

In this mission, we will prepare a presentation for the new reception parents.  We will help by giving top tips about keeping their children safe online. 

Mission 1 2023/24 - Who we are!

We stood at the front of the assembly hall and explained who we are and what our roles are in school.  We explained the six missions we have set ourselves for the year.  Have a look below at our PowerPoint from the assembly. 

Click below to see our assembly presentation

iVenger Mission 1 - Assembly (PDF)

Mission 2 2023/24 - Tune in, Turn off

The iVengers have challenged children at school to 'tune in and turn off'.  They were given a tick-list to tick-off all the days they managed to turn all technology devices off at least 30 minutes before bedtime. 

We were really impressed by the number of responses we got in each class.  

The iVengers randomly selected the winners from each class who received a selection box. 

Mission 2 2022/23 - Top Tips for Parents / Carers

We found out that lots of children refuse to tell their adults at home about things that are happening online.  This is because they are scared about having their technology taken off them.  

As a result, we have decided to let parents and carers know that this is happening and have given them some top tips to help them know how to respond if their children tell them about an incident online. 

The letter is below and has also been sent out to every child and was shared on Class Dojo. 

SPS Letter to Parents / Carers - Devices (PDF)

Mission 3 2022/23 - The 4Cs Assembly

In this mission our iVengers had to deliver an assembly to Year 4, 5 and 6.  They informed everyone about the meaning of the 4 Cs - content, contact, conduct and commerce and gave children tips about how to remain safe. 

Below is a copy of their presentation.

SPS The 4Cs Assembly (PDF) 

Mission 4 2022/23 - Phishing Scams

On Safer Internet Day (7/2/23), the iVengers visited every class to teach them about phishing scams. 

They wrote and acted out a short sketch to help the children understand the key message. 

Children learnt not to click on pop-up links and not to share personal information without checking with an adult. 

We also discussed the importance of letting an adult know if you do make a mistake online. 

Below is their script. 

SPS iVengers Script - Phishing (PDF)

Mission 5 2022/23 - Live Streaming

Our iVengers were a little concerned about something called live streaming, so put a short (2 minute) video together aimed at giving key messages to grown-ups at home.  They shared the video on Class Dojo. 

Please take some time to visit for more information.