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Policies & Documents

Below are some key school policies.  All school policies are available to be viewed by members of the school community on request.  Please speak to a member of staff if you wish to see any of our policies. 

Should you require a hard copy of these policy documents, please contact the school office.

Our School Policies

Administering Medicine Procedure - Parents (PDF)

Anti-bullying Policy(PDF)

Attendance Policy(PDF)

Behaviour Policy (PDF)

Charging and Remissions policy(PDF)

Communications Policy (PDF) 

Complaints Policy(PDF)

Data Protection Policies and Procedures(PDF)

Early Help Offer / Policy(PDF)

Health and Safety Statement (PDF)

Homework Policy (PDF)

Looked After Child (LAC) / Previously Looked After child Policy(PDF)

Marking Policy(PDF)

Modern Slavery Policy (PDF)

Online Safety Policy(PDF)

Pupil Dress Code Policy(PDF)

RSE Policy(PDF)*

Safeguarding Children / Child Protection Policy(PDF)

Safer Recruitment Policy(PDF)

SEND Policy(PDF)

Supporting Students with Medical Conditions (PDF)

Vexatious Complaints Policy(PDF)

Whistleblowing Policy(PDF)

*RSE - More information

Follow the link below to read DfE guidance and answers to FAQs about RSE and Health Education in school.

RSE Government Guidance - Website 

Equality Statement and Objectives

We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011 to eliminate discrimination.  As a school, we celebrate differences and support each other so that everyone can reach their full potential.

As a school, we DO NOT tolerate any form of discrimination against any member of our school community by treating them less favourably because of their:

  • sex
  • age
  • race
  • disability
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • gender reassignment
  • pregnancy or maternity
  • marriage or civil partnership

These are known as the protected characteristics, and we actively promote these through our policies, practice and curriculum.  

In school, we are guided by five principles:

Principle 1: All learners are of equal value.

We see all learners and potential learners, and their parents and carers, as of equal value.

Principle 2: We recognise and respect difference.

Treating people equally (Principle 1 above) does not necessarily involve treating them all the same. Our policies, procedures and activities must not discriminate but must nevertheless take account of differences of life-experience, outlook and background, and in the kinds of barriers and disadvantages which people may face in relation to any of the protected characteristics. 

Principle 3: We foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging.

We intend that our policies, procedures, curriculum and activities should promote:

  • Positive attitudes, interaction and mutual respect towards and between all groups of people. 
  • Positive interaction between all groups of people. 
  • Mutual respect and good relations between all groups of people.
Principle 4: We observe good equality practice in staff recruitment, retention and development.

We ensure that policies and procedures should benefit all employees and potential employees, for example in recruitment and promotion, and in continuing professional development. 

Principle 5: We aim to remove inequality and discrimination and reduce barriers that already exist.

In addition to avoiding or minimising possible negative impacts of our policies, we take opportunities to maximise positive impacts by reducing and removing inequalities and barriers that may already exist.  We do not tolerate any form of discrimination and actively tackle any forms of it.  Where children share behaviours or views that are discriminatory, these are tackled and children are educated.  Notes of incidents are kept and parents are informed as appropriate. 

Revisited and reviewed annually

Our Current Equality Objectives are:
  1. To ensure that disadvantaged children perform as well as other children within school.
  2. To close the gap between boys and girls in the Early Years.
  3. To raise children's awareness of people with disabilities and the impact this can have on their lives.
  4. To ensure that our curriculum includes opportunities for our pupils to encounter people with a range of protected characteristics.

Redhill Trust Equality Documents

Below are two key documents about equality that apply to the entire trust.  

Redhill Equality Objectives (PDF)

Redhill Equality Statement (PDF)

Accessibility Plan

Click below to see the school's latest accessibility plan.

SPS Accessibility Plan 2021-24 (PDF)

SPS Accessibility Plan 2024-27 (PDF)