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Our Music Curriculum

Music is an expression of art through exploring sound.

Our Definition of music

Who leads Music and what is their vision?

The music leader at our school is Sarah Bannister - who is also the teacher in Class 2.  For further information about the music curriculum, or for other support, she can be contacted via email.

The subject leader's vision for music is to help children to develop an enjoyment of music and to provide opportunities for them to express themselves. She aims for children to stay in time with music when performing, increase self-confidence, develop an appreciation for music and to become critical thinkers.  She also wants our curriculum and delivery to nurture creativity and to help pupils understand how music is created. 

Links to our core abilities

We have identified seven core abilities that we hope to develop through our curriculum offer.  

  • Questioning and curiosity
  • Critical thinking and open-mindedness
  • Perseverance and resilience
  • Communication
  • Independence
  • Team work
  • Creativity 

We can develop many of these core abilities through effective music teaching, but we particularly focus on developing creativityteam workindependence and resilience

Art Curriculum Intent

At Scarcliffe, we aim:

  1. To confidently sing a range of complex songs to an audience.
  2. To move, clap and perform in rhythm.
  3. To perform solo and in groups with increasing confidence, expression and level of skill.
  4. Listen and evaluate a range of music.
  5. Compose music for a range of purposes, using and reading musical notations.

In order to achieve this, we have developed our curriculum intent under four broad headings that we hope to deliver through the music curriculum. These are:

  1. Singing. 
  2. Rhythm.  
  3. Performing. 
  4. Listening. 
  5. Composing. 

Our curriculum intent document for Music (see below) shows how these areas are developed progressively during a pupil’s time at Scarcliffe. 

SPS Music Curriculum Intent V5 (PDF)

How is Music Implemented?

At Scarcliffe, the music intent document, developed from the National Curriculum, informs planning in each class. The themes taught in each class have been well-thought-out to cover all objectives in the National Curriculum over a two-year cycle.

At Scarcliffe, music is split differently in EYFS/ Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. 

In EYFS and Key Stage 1, the Charanga scheme is used, which is based on:

  1. Listening and rhythm.
  2. Singing and practising skills.
  3. Performing.

This scheme includes each section of the curriculum in every lesson. For example, the lesson will begin with discussions about what music is. The children are then exposed to different genres of music where they concentrate on feelings, emotions and finding the beat. This is built on and progressed throughout a unit. Children are asked music related questions to further their knowledge and evaluate the music they have listened to. After this, the children are taught new skills which are normally accompanied by a song. The songs are practised and performed with and without musical instruments. 

In Key Stage 2, the Music Partnership Team come into our school and teach the children how to play musical instruments.  The instruments they learn to play are the ukulele and flute.  Below is an overview of the learning that takes place during a 15 week music block delivered by the Music Partnership:

SPS Music Parternership Overview (PDF)

A similar method is used in Key Stage 2 as in Key Stage 1. During this time, the children develop an awareness of reading music and understanding different chords. 

Children also perform musical shows during their time at school.  These are usually performed in Autumn Term 2 and include teaching the children to sing a range of songs.  

During assemblies, children are exposed to a wide range of classical music which they learn to appreciate and name to broaden their music knowledge.  The music leader also delivers a whole school singing assembly each week. 

Our Curriculum Overview

We cover the majority of the music curriculum through music lessons.  However, certain aspects are covered through assemblies, topic work, plays and performances and through computing.  The curriculum overview shows where each of the intent statements is covered.

SPS Music Curriculum Overview (PDF)

Monitoring the impact of teaching in Music

We understand the importance of teaching high quality music lessons to all children and leaders monitor the impact of teaching in a variety of ways. 

The subject leader spends time in classes - seeing what the children are learning, talking to pupils about their understanding and views about music and talking to staff about the learning sequence they are following.  The subject leader regularly liaises with  to talk to the Music Partnership team who work with Key Stage 2.

 The information is then shared and discussed with staff. 

Assessment Data

Staff assess children against the curriculum intent statements each year.  Information is centred around determining which children are not yet at the expected standard and who are very secure within the expected standard.  This provides us with information to inform our future teaching.  

Useful Weblinks

Here are some great websites to support learning music:

Computing at home

We do not set homework as such for music.  However, each term class teachers send home a homework menu linked to their current topic and these may include options related to music. Children are encouraged and celebrated when bringing in music related topics.